The short version of my tall tale goes like this…..later in the game I became a graduate of Ontario College of Art and Design University followed by University of Guelph, and attended many studio workshops covering many disciplines in the visual arts.
This includes metal-smithing and jewellery making in Waterloo, Ontario.
I had spent many fulfilled and busy years as a full time potter, having a studio in Elora, Ontario, only to reluctantly leave this venture behind in order that I may grow into the next one.
My fixation of late, are the stones found on the beach, especially ones along the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia. Every time I take my canine companion for a beach romp, we always find that one, ok maybe it’s more than one, that beats the others with that special ‘wow’ factor.
These stones are individually transformed as an adornment, tailored with copper or sterling silver, making a unique, one of a kind jewellery piece. I swear to all, without being heard, that I am not stone obsessed, nor stone crazy…..